Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Time for a new chapter!

Ummm! So, 2014 is almost coming to an end. Like everyone, I too have a lot of goals, some resolutions, promises and "things-to-do" for 2015!
This period of the year gets me thinking a lot more than usual! I re-visit the whole year in mind and analyze certain things like how much of it was 'good' and 'bad' and usually make a note of it in my journal.
2014 has been a great year even if just means my little accomplishments as an Entrepreneur (first time), Musician, artist, teacher, student,gardener and as a person. I am happy and darn proud of it :)
This year I found a very different side of me. I started The Kreative Kottage my baby maiden project! I had never before even thought one day I would end up making jewelry , forget making it for others, I never even thought I 'could' make something so amazing! I really never thought that side of me even existed! It was somewhere around February that i was bit by this bug called "Quilling" and fell head over heels in love with it ! I have always made cards for my loved ones even as a little kid, so this whole idea of making personalized cards using the technique of Quilling was a pleasant surprise. I was pleased with my work :) It was just around that time, that I was uploading a few pictures on my profile and my work was well received and almost everyone suggested that I create a page dedicated to my work, and only after a month or so I really thought about it and finally gave it a shot! March 12th 2014 was the big day :) I started learning new techniques, how to protect the paper jewelry from water and dust etc. It was a lot of trial and error before i thought they were good enough to be sold off, because I wanted to make sure my 'customers' felt really good using something that I have made and for they have paid! So I took all the care and precautions to make my products reliable and lasting. Happy to say I had about 100 orders in a span of 4-5 months. I took a long break in between and I am yet to resume to work. Hopefully from January I will be able to start taking orders.

During the same time of the year I fell in love with Organic Gardening, this surely deserves a special post. Very soon I will blog about it with many pictures of my little harvests from my terrace garden :)

These two were the main highlights from this year..something I would cherish forever!

Otherwise, it was a lovely year with some ups and downs, many lessons for life, many new experiences, a few new friendships and loads of memories to cherish for times to come!

I am really grateful for everything that happened this year. Would love to see myself as a better person in 2015.

A few promises to self --

* To stop complaining about the things I do not have and instead shift my focus to EVERYTHING that I am blessed with and to show gratitude for the same.

*To be more musically involved. To practice music daily.

*To stop procrastinating.

*To be productive, smart and sharp.

*To master time management.

*To walk daily.

*To be positively inclined and avoid negativity in any measure.

*To have a lot of "me time" .

*To do more of what makes my soul sing & dance with joy.

*To travel a little if not a lot ;)

*To start learning Samskrit and Kannada like a dedicated student.

*To read a LOT of books. (Kannada and English)

*To learn driving a four-wheeler.

*Reduce a lot of weight naturally with hard work and balanced diet. To be health conscious.

*To be environment friendly. To not litter. To carry a bag always. To avoid plastic. To segregate waste.

*To be content with my present wardrobe and not to buy more clothes.

*To start saving up some money instead of spending it all on useless things.

*To appreciate every little thing in this universe. To be calm. To be more patient than before. To be more tolerating. To be more humble than ever.

*To be kind, compassionate, affectionate and loving towards everyone.

*To be of some use to someone, someday, somewhere.

*To dream big. To work harder.

*To declutter all the negative people and also the people who matter less from life for ever.

*To spend very little time on social networking sites.

*To meditate. To observe myself. To be more alert about myself.

*To blog more often!

Hmmmm! that sure looks like a big..err BIG! list ;) Really wish I  to achieve atleast half of it :)

Well, its the last day of 2014 and I think I have done the right thing by writing a blog post ;)

Like every single day, my only prayer is to the world, the universe and beyond.
I hope, pray and wish the best for every living creature in the universe.
"Sarve janaha sukhino bhavanthu" --- this has always been my prayer :)

Lastly, I would like to salute the creator for everything he has been kind enough to bless everyone with. Thank you lord for this life. The very fact that I am alive, breathing, able to see, hear, touch, smile and think are more than enough reasons to feel happy, blessed and humbled.

A big round of applause to 2015!
A very happy new year to everyone! :)

Spread love,happiness and positivity everywhere you go!

Much love,


Tuesday, 16 December 2014


In life, we usually tend to hold on to people or things that hardly matter or are of any significance in our lives. Decluttering is a therapy, not just with respect to "things" , but also with respect to people who matter less or nothing at all in our lives.
To lead a happy and peaceful life, one must make sure to be surrounded by happy, loving and positively inclined people. It does make a lot of difference. Happiness and positiveness are highly contagious and so is negativity.
If you are holding on to someone who is doing no good to your life and is in no way making you feel good, or grow as a person,  then its time to re-think about that person. Decluttering is the next step!

Life is too short and beautiful to hold on to grumpy and negative people!
Surround yourself by people who matter in your life. Someone who respects you..someone who loves you unconditionally and someone who wishes you good! There should be no room for people who are always complaining about life,society,people and doing nothing to improve it!
Be happy, make others happy and surround yourself by happy and positive people and see how your life changes!

Happy decluttering! ;)


Friday, 7 November 2014

Of yesterday's and tomorrow's..

So yesterday, a friend of mine told me that she got back to blogging after a long gap of 5 years! That is when it flashed to me, that I hadn't updated my blog since a year! :D
I came back to my blog and started reading my previous posts and was self-motivated to start up blogging again! 

So in the last one plus year, a lot of things have happened ( I have luckily made a note of almost everything in my journal ) some very pleasant one's and some very unpleasant ones!

I think I will first talk about the unpleasant one's in this post and all the super awesome moments in another post! :)

I will start with the unpleasant one's and finish it up soon! 

Towards the end of October 2013, I lost a very far cousin of mine. She was just 31 and died after delivering her baby! The baby survived for 2 days after her death and then left this world. It was the unfairest of things that could ever happen to anyone! She already had a 7 year old daughter. This incident, kind of shook me up! It came like a lightening right into my heart! Days went by and things began to look normal,yet again. 

Another incident that I am going to share is also about a very close family friend, more like a dear brother , who lost his life in a tragic train accident on Dec 28th 2013. It was a fire accident and his body was brought down to Bangalore with great difficulty as the bodies were completely burnt and chances of identifying the same was very very less.
He was blessed with two little kids of 6 and 3, a loving wife , and old parents! I personally had never faced a situation as bad/helpless as this before ( I hope not to in the future as well. *fingers crossed* )
He was only 32. Just not the age to go away. Forever. 
He was someone whom I always enjoyed spending time with! He always bought me an ice-cream no matter how late in the night it was! Anyway, if I start going back, I can probably never stop. It hurts. Even today. And forever. 

So, what I was trying to convey from these two tragic incidents were, that, life is very very short. Sometimes, very unfair too. We have to live our lives on daily basis. I mean, Live. Not to just exist! Time is running and how we utilize every moment of this life is the biggest challenge! 

I learned a lot from these two incidents.. 
I decided not to --

Postpone happiness 

We often take our lives for granted. We are busy planning for tomorrow and meanwhile miss out on today's happiness. 
Live.Laugh.Love. while you are still alive!
You never know when is your last moment. Nobody knows it either. So why take life so seriously? Keep it simple, silly!


I decided, I must never complain about anything in life. 
I decided to be happy with everything that I was blessed with. I am ever grateful for every little thing I am blessed with. I is very beautiful when your wants are very less. 

Waste time with people who don't value it  

Yes. Its the most important thing in life. Never waste your precious time with people who don't value it. Its a complete waste of time. So, surround yourself with only those who truly love you. 

And, from the same tragic incidents, I decided, I  must do  more of these - 

  • Smile more often
  • To be happy no matter how bad life is at that point in time.
  • Do all the things which gives you peace of mind and happiness.
  • Worry less about anything that is not in our control and to be very grateful for this life.       

So, I think I will conclude by saying, life is beautiful , but very short. So, its always better to be happy and make others happy! 
We can live with a motto to spread love, happiness and peace everywhere that we go! Its a beautiful feeling, you know! 

I have promised myself, that I would blog more often from now! :)

Much Love,